Changing lives through life-giving relationships.


    SCMR Women believe in the importance of shared community and intentional relationships. We want to walk through this life together and encourage each other along the journey of deepening our faith in Jesus. We want to create a seat at the table for you, we want you to feel welcomed, loved, and heard not only by us, but know you are heard by Jesus. We meet every second month to share a meal together.

    Leader: Pastor Olivia Thiessen

  • SCMR Guys

    SCMR guys is a ministry where men gather to grow in relationship with each other and in faith in Jesus. Join us to get connected to eachother and with Jesus. SC guys meet quarterly for a breakfast and fellowship time.

    Leader: Pastor Bruce Olson

  • SCMR Prayer

    We believe that prayer is foundational for life in Jesus Christ, and Eph 3:20 says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…” So every Thursday morning from 10:30am to 11:30am we want to invite everyone to join us in the main room as we lift up our church, community, and each other in prayer.

  • SCMR Young Adults

    Our desire for our Young Adults is that they continue to lean into Jesus and grow in Jesus and with each other. We believe our Young Adults are the next leaders within our church and want to disciple and empower them in their gifts and talents.Our Young Adults are from 19 – 30 years old, they meet monthly in a life-giving, authentic environment where they can grow spiritually and connect relationally.

    Lead: Pastor Olivia Thiessen

  • SCMR Youth

    SCMR Youth is held at the church every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for high school students in grade 8 to grade 12. We desire every youth to experience a meaningful encounter with Jesus and create strong connections with their peers. We want our youth to feel known, safe, encouraged, loved, and cared for. We look forward to engaging, laughing, growing, and having fun together.

    You can follow them on social media for updates on events. – @sonriseyouthmr

    Leader: Pastor Olivia Thiessen

  • SCMR Kids

    Everyone Sunday morning at 10am, our kids join us for praise and worship and then are invited to take part in SCMR Kid’s church. Elizabeth leads then in fun games and engages them in fun ways while learning more about Jesus. This program is for any child ages 2 to 12.

    Leader: Elizabeth Depner

  • SCMR Potlucks

    At SCMR we deeply value community and relationships. This is why, the 3rd Sunday of every month, we come together and share a meal together after the service. We encourage everyone to bring a dish to share and invite a friend. Everyone is welcome.



If you are new to Sonrise church this is your first step to getting to know us as a church and beginning your journey with us.

Grow Track is a set of classes to help start and guide you as you grow in Jesus and experience life-change to the fullest.

Growth Track is typically divided into 2 classes (Engage and Serve) and Grow Nights. Depending on which area you want to grow, these Grow nights happen THROUGHOUT THE year to deepen you in your faith.

  • Engage Class

    Engage Class is the first step in our Growth track you would join. Engage is for everyone who wants to make Sonrise church their home church.

    Engage class is our invitation to you, towards your next steps with Sonrise Church, this is where you will; DISCOVER who we are and what we are about, TAKE your first step towards serving, and BECOME a partner as we pursue God’s dream together.

  • Serve Class

    If you have completed Engage Class, are a Partner and currently serving at SC, then Serve class is for you!

    Serve Class is designed to EQUIP you to use you spiritual gifts and personality that God has entrusted you within the church. INSPIRE you on how you can SERVE Jesus by serving others.

    As part of the class, we teach the spiritual gifts and competencies that God has blessed us with and discover how we can carry the hope and purpose of Jesus together.

  • Grow Night

    Grow Night is a night for the whole church family, hosted at the Surrey location, with classes that anyone can attend! This collection of classes that are designed to help develop and grow Christians into maturity and propel you, as a follower of Jesus, into the life-giving relationship that you have with Him.

    There is a range of practical topics that will be covered: your calling, prayer, prophecy and the practices of Jesus’s church and His followers.