SC Community Groups
God intended that life is better together. Community Groups are a small group of people who meet weekly in homes and virtually to connect relationally and grow spiritually.
Group typically runs over 2 semesters, Fall to Christmas, and January to May/June. Community groups are the best place to get plugged in and we encourage everyone to join one. There is definitely a group for you, it doesn’t matter what stage of life you are at.
Leader: Jonathan Malmura
SC Jumpstart Preteen Ministry
We love empowering the next generation!
Our JumpStart Preteens ministry happens on Friday nights from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, for kids in grades 5 – 8. We meet at the church for a night that consists of games, snacks, and lessons about Jesus.
Jumpstart has a dynamic team of volunteers, that build relationships with the kids and gain the ability to speak into their lives and empower them to share the gospel. We have a dynamic team of volunteers who love playing games and getting to know the kids.
You can follow them on social for updates on events. – @jumpstart_sc
Leader: Kiel Westby
SC Youth
We love and value our youth!
SC Youth takes place at Sonrise church, on Wednesday evenings from 6:33 – 9:00 pm for students in grades 8 – 12. We desire to create an environment for the youth to build friendships, engage, bring their friends, and know Jesus more. Youth has amazing volunteers that desire to see them empowered.
You can follow them on social for updates on events. – @wetheyouthsc
Leader: Pastor Chris & Lonette Boyko
SC Young Adults
We believe our Young Adults are leaders within our church, our desire is to develop the next wave of leaders to carry the hope and purpose of Jesus.
Our Young Adults are from 19 – 25 years old, they meet in life-giving, authentic environments where they can grow spiritually and connect relationally.
Leader: Pastor Braden Deagle
SC Guys
Jesus is our greatest model of male friendship, Jesus himself initiated relationships and he invited men to be with him. We believe that God has a special calling and purpose in the lives of men.
SC guys is a ministry where men gather together to grow in relationship with each other and in faith in Jesus.
Leader: Garry Reimer
SC Women
The SC Women is a movement for ladies of all ages and walks of life. Our team believes in creating opportunities to grow in relationship with Jesus, with each other and with those near and far. We want to create a seat at the table for you, we want you to feel welcomed, loved, and heard not only by us, but know you are heard by Jesus.
Leader: Kim Thompson
SC Worship
We worship together in many ways, but we especially love worshipping through music on Sunday mornings! If you’re interested in being a part of the team, start by meeting Margie Janzen, our worship director, and filling out the worship application.
Leader: Margie Janzen – margie@sonrise.ca
SC Seniors
We believe in being a multi-generational church! Torchbearers is our seniors’ ministry, that meets once a month. Our seniors are encouraged to take part in the life of the church and join a multi-generational community group.
Once a month on a Thursday, our Torchbearers gather to share lunch, connect and encourage one another in word and prayer.
SC Abundant Life Marriage
At Sonrise Church we value marriage. Assisting in building marriages that last a lifetime is our vision for every couple in our community. Whether you’re engaged or newlywed, our marriage mentor couples will take you through some practical steps to help you build a solid foundation for a lifelong relationship, including preparation for the ups and downs of marriage. Perhaps you’ve been married awhile and find yourself needing some fresh input to strengthen your relationship. Our marriage mentors are here to help.
Leaders Chris and Shannon Rogerson – scrogerson@hotmail.com
18 Months - 3 Years
A class for those who are walking, and are capable of being without parents for a short period of time. We recognize it is a process both, for parents and children to be apart, so, this class is geared to support this transition. Parents are welcome to stay, however, the goal is always to work towards giving parents the opportunity to enjoy the service. Walkers will worship with you and after announcements they will be released to their class.
Preschool - Kindergarten
A class designed for those walking, talking, potty-trained and capable of following instructions. It is a structured class that is geared towards teaching God’s love through stories, songs, crafts, and games. They should be able to be without parents for over an hour and happy to do so. Little’s are to be dropped off in the fireside as early as 9:45am and picked up down the hall after service.
Through worship, songs, teachings, games, crafts, and snacks, our heart is to teach biblical truths while creating an atmosphere to encounter and experience the presence of the Holy spirit and know the love of God personally. Our desire is that each child know their identity in Christ, and we encourage them to have their own personal relationship with Jesus. Fireside kids are to be dropped off in the fireside as early as 9:45am & picked up after service.
GRADE 6 - 8
We desire to create an environment for this next generation to build friendships, engage, bring their friends, and know Jesus more. Pre-teens will worship in the sanctuary and after announcements, they will be released.
PArents Lounge
Babies, infants, toddlers
Our parent’s lounge is available for parent’s of infants during all services. The parent’s Lounge is located at the east part of the building through the back doors of the main room. This space is meant to be a peaceful spot for mom’s to nurse, and babies to play. An audio and video stream of the service is provided.
If you are new to Sonrise church this is your first step to getting to know us as a church and beginning your journey with us.
Grow Track is a set of classes to help start and guide you as you grow in Jesus and experience life-change to the fullest.
Growth Track is typically divided into 2 classes (Engage and Serve) and Grow Nights. Depending on which area you want to grow, these Grow nights happen throughout the year to deepen you in your faith.
Engage Class
Engage Class is the first step in our Growth track you would join. Engage is for everyone who wants to make Sonrise church their home church.
Engage class is our invitation to you, towards your next steps with Sonrise Church, this is where you will; DISCOVER who we are and what we are about, TAKE your first step towards serving, and BECOME a partner as we pursue God’s dream together.
Serve Class
If you have completed Engage Class, are a Partner and currently serving at SC, then Serve class is for you!
Serve Class is designed to EQUIP you to use you spiritual gifts and personality that God has entrusted you within the church. INSPIRE you on how you can SERVE Jesus by serving others.
As part of the class, we go through different spiritual gifts and competencies that God has blessed us with and discover how we can carry the hope and purpose of Jesus together.
Grow Night
Grow Night is a night for the whole church family, hosted at the Surrey Location, with classes that anyone can attend! This collection of classes that are designed to help develop and grow Christians into maturity and propel you, as a follower of Jesus, into the life-giving relationship that you have with Him.
There is a range of practical topics that will be covered: your calling, prayer, prophecy and the practices of Jesus’s church and His followers.